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More and better faith education

More and better faith education

1. Many Catholics have remained only in childhood catechism There is a Catholic majority poorly informed about the faith

2. They want to know more about the Gospels (to avoid fundamentalisms), the sacraments, the Magisterium, the history of the Church, the bases of sexual morality

3. To train the trainers, more skills, knowledge, open-mindedness are required from the priests and other pastoral agents

4. We should teach and learn also through digital channels Training more up-to-date, direct, emotional, pragmatic and consistent with today’s concerns.

5. Influencers educate Answering questions but also suggesting reliable sources of knowledge

The voice of the participants

“Explain the gospel in simpler words. There are priests who read the Bible and I don’t understand anything. Please give examples”

“Teach the Bible from the everyday life. Make us understand what contexts faced the word of God and how to relate it with today’s facts”

“Spiritual formation or workshops for young people and adults” “Teaching Catholic doctrine, through training groups”

“Promote the faith and the participation of priests outside the churches”

Missionary Voices

Sunday's Gospel, deepened

F. Jorge Reinaudo

Teaches how to pray

F. Jeffrey Segovia

How were the Gospels written

Fr. Davide Banzato

The Magisterium, the Gospel

The Magisterium

Of course we are all called to grow as evangelizers We seek at the same time a better formation, a deepening of our love and a clearer witness to the Gospel In that sense, we all have to let others constantly evangelize us; but that should not make us postpone the evangelizing mission, but rather finding a way of communicating Jesus according to our current situation

Source: Evangelii Gaudium 121

The Gospel

“Even if I speak the tongues of men and angels, if I do not have charity, I am like sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Even if he had the gift of prophecy, and knew all the mysteries and all the science; Even if I had full faith to move mountains, if I do not have charity, I am nothing.

Source: I Corinthians, 13, 1-2

Results of the questionnaires

What formation do you think Catholics need?



  • Cultivation of spirituality, silence and contemplation 44,1% 44,1%
  • Education at all levels 35,2% 35,2%
  • Children’s catechism 34,5% 34,5%
  • Accompaniment to couples, families, sexuality, life 48,6% 48,6%
  • Volunteer activities with young people 35,5% 35,5%
  • Accompaniment to separated, divorced people 26% 26%
  • Promotion of the equality of women in society and in the Church 26% 26%
  • Care for ecology and environmental sustainability 11,9% 11,9%
  • Assistance to excluded people (migrants, native ethnic groups, prisoners, impoverished) 22,3% 22,3%
  • Digital world 21,2% 21,2%
  • Supporting LGTBI people 27,2% 27,2%
More and better faith formation is a priority for 35% of people

Surveys analyzed

How to moove forward?

Theological standpoint

Faith education should incorporate up-to-date knowledge from various anthropological and social disciplines and the development of science In short, it cannot be made basing it exclusively on the contents of the Catechism or on an ancient philosophy, although they are primary sources


Moral-behavioural standpoint

Literature, science or philosophy are not enemies of faith; they must be seen as opportunities to better understand the human being of our time and to broaden the supernatural vision of faith to other areas of knowledge.


Structural and organizational standpoint

The formation of Catholics on the fundamentals of the faith is essential, from the biblical to the historical and moral aspects. And the formation of priests should be comprehensive, also incorporating human aspects, with a desirable added civil degree, which would allow them to remain in contact with advances in knowledge and the society of their time.

Pastoral-pedagogical standpoint

It is very important that theology studies increase their connection with scientific and humanistic studies.