Who we are

Initially a group of digital missionaries from different parts of the world, and with different charismas and styles, that met while helping the Holy See coordinate and promote online listening during the Synod.

During this commitment, we understood the importance of global collaboration between us to boost the mission we are already undertaking: digital evangelization


Contribute to the transformation of the Church

Through a digital, global, missionary network, listening to the People of God in sincere bidirectional communication, announcing the Gospel and promoting a respectful and coherent presence of Catholics in society.

Growing and enjoying life together!

What we mean by transformation

Pope Francis is pushing for further transformation of the Church in alignment with the Second Vatican Council. To collaborate with him with all our energy in this task is a responsibility of all the members of the body of Christ. In current times, a key element of support for this change are digital missionaries (priests, nuns, catechists and other committed lay people), who already reach more laity and other distant/disaffected people through social media than those who go to mass.

The missionary members of iMission and other like-minded individuals and organizations want to contribute to this transformation, letting the Holy Spirit guide us along with the whole Church. The experience of synodal listening in the digital continent in which we actively participate, proved there is a remarkable convergence between the reflections of the People of God and of digital missionaries themselves, with the messages of Pope Francis.

This convergence expresses the meaning of transformation
in 4 axes:


Guidance in a changing and confusing world


Promoting authenticity of Catholics, who are part of the Church


Bosting an exemplary and brave Church and representatives


Opening more ways to relate with God

To learn more about the desired transformation, click here

How we want to accomplish it

Being founders of thought using our missionary experience

Giving each other mutual support

Promoting a serene Catholic style of social media presence

Listening, dialoguing and spreading the Gospel

Building Bridges with the face-to-face (physical) Church

Inviting as many iMissionaries with these objectives as possible,
to expand our reach and bring the Love of Christ to more people,
ensuring a diversity of charisms


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