Search for God in others and yourself
Search for God in others and yourself
1. Everyone aspires to encounter God: to have a daily experience of His presence, not exceptional, but continuous. and ask for help
2. Believer firends are the main link with the Church: this means that the mediation of others is a high value help to find God
3. God is in the neighbor. Jesus affirmed that He can be found in others, especially those in need
4. And also in oneself, in silence, entering as Saint Teresa indicated in the interior dwellings But you have to know how to get there
The voice of the participants
“To feel the pains of others with patience and love”
“We should be aware of the others’ needs regardless of their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc.”
“Give clear messages, plenty of love, without excluding or judging others (I believe that it is done, but it is important to do it more frequently)”
“More focus on cutivating people’s spirituality”
Missionary Voices
Finding God in those who suffer
Mr. Davide Banzato
The Magisterium, the Gospel
““The most important temple of God is our heart” – the Pope announced – because the Holy Spirit dwells within us. But what happens in my heart? The Pope has invited to “watch within myself”. Have I learned to watch within myself, so that the temple, in my heart, is only for the Holy Spirit? Purify the temple, the inner temple and watch over. Be attentive, be attentive: what is happening in your heart? Who comes, who goes… What are your feelings, your ideas? Do you speak with the Holy Spirit? Do you listen to the Holy Spirit?
Look out. Be attentive to what happens in our temple, within us.
The Bishop of Rome went on to explain that Jesus “is present, in a special way in the sick, in those who suffer, in the hungry and in prison.”
Source: Homily in Santa Marta, November 24, 2017
The Gospel
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did to one of these least of my brothers, you did it to me.”
Source: Matthew 25, 36
“He who loves me will keep my word; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our home with him.”
Source: John, 14, 27
Results of the questionnaires
Who do you associate with the most in the Church?
- My parish priest and another priest 32,1%
- Fellow believers 67,1%
- Religious – Missionaries 18,6%
- Social volunteers 7,8%
- Beliver Digital Influencers 28,1%
- With nobody 8,4%
For 2/3 of people, the main relationship with the Church comes from fellow believers.
Surveys analyzed
How to move forward?
Theological standpoint
Being a child of God makes every person a temple of his Spirit. There is the base of a respectful attitude towardis his/her conscience and freedom, understanding with charity.
Moral-behavioural standpoint
We should recommend personal prayer, in solitude and silence, and also in groups on a daily basis, in addition to the community liturgical ceremonies. Enhance ways to discover, marvel and respect the dignity of each person.
Structural and organizational standpoint
Organize and promote small groups for Christian reflection and prayer.
Pastoral-pedagogical standpoint
Present examples of Christian life in protagonists far removed from ecclesial stereotypes.