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Respect the different ways of following Jesus

Authenticity in the behavior of Christians, who are Jesus Church (16%)

1. In the Church there are multiple ways of following Jesus, emphasizing different aspects of his life.

2. In diversity is richness No one alone is capable of reflecting the face of Christ.

3. Always respect people. Remembering that opinions can be debatable and sometimes harmful.

4. The understanding of problems is progressive, also the path of faith. It is necessary to capture at what moment the others are.

5. Dilemmas should not lead to damaging conflicts. Intelligent debates are needed, with the ability to listen to each other.

The voice of the participants

“Promote dialogue with people of different ideologies or other Catholics at all levels of the Church, always seeking common ground with these people and listening to those things in which we distance ourselves in order to reach conclusions about the current drift of spirituality in the society”

“Taking the time to know how to reach people in different situations because we are all and think differently”

“Respect Freedom”

The Magisterium, the Gospel

The Magisterium

“The differences between people and communities are sometimes uncomfortable, but the Holy Spirit, who brings about this diversity, can bring something good out of everything and turn it into an evangelizing dynamism that acts by attraction. Diversity must always be reconciled with the help of the Holy Spirit; only He can bring about diversity, plurality, multiplicity and, at the same time, realize unity.

Evangelii Gaudium, 131

The Gospel

“Just as the body is one, though it has many members, and all the members of the body, notwithstanding their plurality, form one body, so also is Christ. Because in one Spirit we have all been baptized, to form no more than one body, Jews and Greeks, slaves and free. And we have all drunk of one Spirit. (…) If one member suffers, all the others suffer with it. If one member is honored, all the others share in its joy.
Now you are the body of Christ, and its members, each for his own part.”

1 Cor, 12: 12-27


Results of the questionnaires

Do you think Catholics treat each other with respect when sharing opinions on social media?








I don't know / I don't answer

Almost half feel that there is no respect among Catholics on social media

surveys analyzed

How to move forward?

theological level

The Church is a body made up of multiple and diverse understandings and sensibilities, and the Spirit blows where it wants. And we must avoid both imposed uniformity and conflicts between the different ways of following Jesus


behavioral moral level

Adapting the Church’s organizational and worship structures to diversity must be a constant concern. In this sense, the Bishops have a special responsibility for dialogue among themselves, who also have different sensitivities, setting an example of mutual respect and bearing witness to unity.


Structural and organizational level

Promote the formation of people in the ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council

Pastoral-pedagogical level

Cultivate the universal sense of the Church, avoiding public and private expressions of rivalry between movements and organizations of the Church that tend to exclude each other and are anti-testimony