New role and profile of clergy, laity and women
New role and profile of clergy, laity and women (11%)
1. Priests remain a key figure for the People of God, they are essential to their communities
2. But many call for a profound change to their style: more available and affable, less haughty, less associated with wealth and power.
3. Bishops: almost invisible to digital followers. They are mentioned alongside requests for more closeness, less ostentation
4. Request for equality between women and men in the Church. More female presence in decision-making circles, many ask for female priesthood
5. More prominence of laity as a protagonist of evangelization
The voice of the participants
“Show and express actually the austere life that Jesus always taught us. It is outrageous to defend the word of God when next to us, the bishop and all those who follow above, live like kings with worldly criteria. With what face do they say that we have to be humble? If they are the first to have stupid privileges, expenses and luxuries”
“A less sexist church. Being a woman, I find it insulting not to be able to become a priest, simply because of my gender. For example, during a baptism in my family, my aunt who is a nun could not do mass, even though she had the skills.”
“Give formation and prominence to the laity and -within the laity- especially to women and young people. Promote a lay mentality (which is not secularism, but naturalness) also in the clergy: overcome clericalism. Speak the language of the people on the street and take charge of their problems”
Missionary Voices
Which difficuties mean to be a priest?
Being women disciples
Ester Palma
The Magisterium, the Gospel
The Magisterium
“There is no doubt that we must do far more to advance women, if we want to give more strength to the reciprocity between man and woman. In fact, it is necessary that woman not only be listened to more, but that her voice carry real weight, a recognized authority in society and in the Church. The very way Jesus considered women in a context less favorable than ours, because women in those times were relegated to second place. Jesus considered her in a way which gives off a powerful light, which enlightens a path that leads afar, of which we have only covered a small stretch. We have not yet understood in depth what the feminine genius can give us, what woman can give to society and also to us. Maybe women see things in a way that complements the thoughts of men. It is a path to follow with greater creativity and courage”
General Audience, Wednesday15 April 2015
The Gospel
“For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave7 nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3, 27-28
Results of the questionnaires
In general do you feel listened by the members of the Church with whom you interact?
- A lot 33%
- Some 36%
- Almost nothing 11%
- I don’t know / I don’t answer / it doesn’t apply to me 15%
- Nothing 5%
Church representatives need to listen more
Surveys analyzed
How to moove forward?
Theological standpoint
We shall distinguish power from authority. A change is demanded in the ways leaders of the Church
exercise their authority. It is requested to recognize that the baptismal condition is fundamental in all members of the
Church, since the ministry of the priestly order is based on it, and in any case it should be expressed as service. The Church should deepen
the growing importance of the People of God as co-responsible and co-participant in
the decision making.
Moral-behavioural standpoint
The Synod focuses precisely the exercise of authority in the Church, seeking a greater
and co-responsible participation of the faithful in all areas. All members of the Church
must walk in that direction
Structural and organizational standpoint
Profound structural changes are required in the ordinary management of the Church, in the formation of priests, and the role of bishops. Likewise, it is necessary to reconsider in depth the figure and relevance of women in the different spheres of the Church.
Pastoral-pedagogical standpoint
The Church must learn and teach the exercise of a spiritual and moral leadership of its own, enhancing the participation of the faithful, not only as individuals, but also organized in communities, movements, etc. The hierarchical and administrative ecclesial organization has to be oriented to serve communion.