Home / Decalogue Stop judging – Documents

Jesus said “Do not judge”

Many of us lament a tense and aggressive social and digital environment, without realizing that perhaps we are contributing more to it than we think. Our spoken or written words have effects on others, so we must be attentive to them. Much more if we express them through social networks.

Download the decalogue so as not to judge and if you want to go deeper, download the complete document and share it as much as you want to help promote a culture of respect on social networks.

What is it about? From a multidisciplinary analysis on a topic that thousands of people requested during the synodal listening of the Church in the digital environment: dialogue without judgments or disqualifications
on social networks.

Who created it? It is prepared in dialogue, on the one hand with experts from different disciplines (biblists, canonist theologians, psychiatrists, philosophers…) and on the other, with the digital missionaries themselves.

What’s your objective? Better understand what “Do Not Judge” means and what implications it has in everyday life on social networks.

Click on the image to download the Decalogue for Non-Judgement

Click on the image to download the No Judgment iBooklet