More places to encounter God
More places to encounter God (7%)
1. God is close. 80% of the people who inhabit the digital continent (4 out of 5) acknowledge having felt the presence of God at some point in their lives.
2. 31% of encounters, during liturgy or in pilgrimages. Also in adverse situations (21%) in which they intensely sought God (and found him).
3. The Church must foster spaces to meet and pray and “go outwards” to other places, seeking God in different ways, being more open to dialogue.
4. The digital environment is a meeting place, with God and with others, through the missionary influencers themselves.
5. Using different languages. People want to learn Christian teachings in new ways: About Jesus, prayer, contemplation, spiritual paths…
Voice of participants
«Carry out activities in other places, outside the walls of the church»
“The approach on social media should be fresh, youthful, joyful, like some young priests and nuns do. This is how people can empathize and receive a positive example. In contrast, the feelings elicited before were fear of being judged, seriousness, boredom”
”Activities should be more spiritual, for example; pastoral care for youth that is more spiritually oriented”
“The testimonies of laity have a great effect”
Voice of missionaries
God's prayer in you
Costanza Miriano
The language of beauty
Father Félix Hernández OP
The Magisterium, the Gospel
“The Synod noted that today the changes taking place in these great spaces and the culture which they create
are a privileged locus of the new evangelization. This challenges us to imagine innovative spaces and possibilities for prayer and communion
which are more attractive and meaningful for city dwellers. Through the influence of the media, rural areas
are being affected by the same cultural changes,
which are significantly altering their way of life as well.”
Source: Evangelii gaudium 73
The Gospel
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Which one of you would hand his son a stone when he asks for a loaf of bread, or a snake when he asks for a fish? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him.”
Source: Mathew 7, 7-11
Survey results
I have ever experienced an inner encounter with God
- Continuously 8%
- Since childhood 2%
- In personal prayer 3%
- In adverse situations 21%
- In religious activities and/or pilgrimages 39%
80% of the people who inhabit the digital continent acknowledge having felt the presence of God at some point in their lives.
Surveys analyzed
How to move forward?
Theological standpoint
Places that are considered “sacred” are suitable for an encounter with God, but they are not the only places fit for this purpose. Searching for God only in rituals or the “formally religious” is a mistake, because God can be found everywhere: the world, nature, especially in people, and within each of us.
Moral-behavioural standpoint
Religiousness is expressed in ceremonies, but it must be based on a vital experience of relationship with the Father, whom we reach through Jesus.
Structural and organizational standpoint
We must continue promoting the different modalities and spaces that favor encounters with God, without restricting ourselves to consecrated places.
Pastoral-pedagogical standpoint
It is convenient to diversify the ways in which we promote an encounter with God: pilgrimages, excursions, virtual meetings, religious concerts. We should recommend and teach about personal or mental prayer, aside from the repetition of excellent prayer formulas.